Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$1.1.20^*.$ A ball is launched along a pool table with sides $a$ and $b$ from the middle of side $b$. At what angle to the side of the table must the ball begin to move to return to the same point from which it began its movement?

For problem $1.1.20^*$


By analogy with 1.1.18, we can use the Image Method and represent elastic walls as optical mirrors.

Arrangement of image-dots

To get to the starting position, all you have to do is hit any of the picture holes.

The coordinates of the holes are described by the expression:

$x=2ma$ и $y=nb$, где $m$ и $n$ — any integers

Whence the desired angle:"

$\alpha = arctg (2ma/(nb))$


$\tan \alpha = 2ma/(nb)$, where $m$ and $n$ are any integers