Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$1.2.11.$ a. In a conical vessel, the water level rises at a constant rate $v_0$. How does the rate of water entering a vessel through a tube of section $s$ depend on time? At time zero, the vessel is empty.

b. A jet of oil hitting the surface of the water spreads over it in a round spot of thickness $h$. How does the speed of movement of the spot boundary depend on time, if the volume of oil $q$ enters per unit of time? At the initial time, the spot radius is zero.

For problem $1.2.11$


Cone vessel
$a)$ By time $t$, the water level will be $v_0t$. And the rate of change of volume will be equal to: $$\frac{dV}{dt} = \frac{\pi r(t)^2 dx}{dt}$$ Where $dx$ is the change in water level: $$\frac{dV}{dt} = \pi r(t)^2 v_0$$ From Geometry, $$r(t) = v_0 t \cdot tg(\alpha)$$ By definition, the velocity of incoming water is equal to $$v = \frac{dV}{sdt}$$ Substituting the previous expressions: $$v = {\pi v_0^3 t^2 \cdot tg^2(\alpha)}/s$$ $b)$ For a small time interval $dt$, the volume changes by $$dV = q dt$$ Also the volume increment can be written as $$dV = 2\pi r dr \cdot h $$ Thus: $$ q dt = 2\pi r dr \cdot h$$ Considering $v = \frac{dr}{dt}$, $$ \fbox{$v = \frac{q}{2\pi r h}$}$$


$$v=\frac{\pi v_0^3t^2\operatorname{tg}^2\alpha}{s}$$ $$v=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{q}{\pi ht}}$$