Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$1.2.2.$ Two particles at time $t = 0$ have left the same point. Using the velocity-time graphs, determine the coordinates and time of the new meeting of the particles.

For problem $1.2.2$


Coordinates of points and their intersection

1. Equations of motion of particles.

$$ {x_{1}(t) = v_{1}t, \quad x_{2}(t) = \frac{at^2}{2}} $$

2. The velocity of the first particle and acceleration of the second particle are determined by the given dependence $v = f(t)$:

$$ {v_{1} = 2\; \frac{m}{s}}, \quad a \equiv 0.33\; \frac{m}{s^{2}}. $$

3. Particle encounter condition:

$$ x_{1}(t_{z}) = x_{2}(t_{z}). \quad t_{z} = \frac{2v_{z}}{a} = 12\; c, \quad x_{z} = 24\; m. $$


From the region bounded by the angle $α = 2 \, \arcsin \frac{u}{v}$ with vertex at the point $A$, bisected by a freeway.