Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$1.4.14.$ A nucleus traveling at speed $v$ splits into two identical fragments. Determine the maximum possible angle $\alpha$ between the velocities of one of the fragments and the vector $v$, if the fragments have a velocity $u < v$ during the decay of a resting nucleus.


The velocity and one of the accelerations of the nucleus are

$$ \vec{u} = \vec{v}_{0} + \vec{v} $$

where $ \vec{v}_{0} $ is its velocity before the decay of the nucleus, $ \vec{v} $ is the velocity of the fragment relative to the resting nucleus (that is, in the coordinate system in which the nucleus was at rest before the decay).

Vector image

Let's arrange the vector $ \vec{v}_{0} $ as shown in the figure. The end of the vector can lie on a circle of radius $| \vec{v} |$.

It is clear from the figure that the vector and forms the maximum angle $ \alpha $ with the vector $ \vec{v}_{0} $ if the angle between the vectors $ \vec{u} $ and $ \vec{v} $ is $ \pi / 2 $. In this case

$$\fbox{$ \alpha = \arcsin \frac{v}{v_0} $}$$


$$\sin \alpha = u/v$$