Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$1.5.12.$ A bead can move along a ring of radius $R$, pushed by a spoke that rotates uniformly with angular velocity $\omega$ in the plane of the ring. The axis of rotation of the spoke is located on the ring. Determine the acceleration of the bead.

For problem $1.5.12$


Displaying velocity vectors

The bead will move along the spoke with the velocity $\upsilon_{\parallel}$, and since the spoke rotates, the bead will have a velocity component perpendicular to the spoke: $\upsilon_{\perp}$

Then the absolute velocity $\vec{v}$ in Non-inertial reference frame will be equal to the vector sum of $\vec{v}_{rel}$ and $\vec{v}_{cl}$

$$ \upsilon_{\perp}=\omega r=\omega\cdot 2R\cos\alpha $$

On the other hand,

Then the absolute velocity $\vec{v}$ in Non-inertial reference frame will be equal to the vector sum of $\vec{v}_{rel}$ and $\vec{v}_{cl}$

$$ \upsilon_{\perp}=\upsilon \cos\alpha $$

Since the speed of a bead moving in a circle is directed perpendicular to the radius.


$$ \omega\cdot 2R\cos\alpha=\upsilon \cos\alpha $$ $$ \upsilon=2R\omega=\text{const} $$

Since the speed does not change in magnitude, the bead has only normal acceleration

$$ a_n=\frac{\upsilon^2}{R}=\frac{4\omega^2R^2}{R}=4\omega^2R $$

