Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$2.1.1.$ According to reliable information, Baron Munchausen once got bogged down in a swamp and pulled himself out by the hair. What laws of physics did the baron break?


Since the sum of external forces is zero, the center of mass of the baron-horse system is at rest (according to the problem statement, the baron is stuck in a swamp).

We will consider the mechanical system that includes the baron-horse to be closed. There are no external forces inside the closed mechanical system, the interaction is caused only between the bodies of the baron-horse system, more precisely, the hand and the pigtail on the baron's head.

According to Newton's third law, forces arise in pairs equal in magnitude, directed along the same straight line and opposite in direction. Thus, the geometric sum of the internal forces and moments of these forces relative to the fixed center is zero. The baron violated Newton's third law.