Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$2.1.13.$ A system of three identical balls connected by identical springs is suspended on a thread. The thread is burned out. Find the acceleration of the balls immediately after burning the thread.


Forces acting on the system

Let's write the equilibrium condition for the two lower balls on the vertical and horizontal axes $$ \left\{\begin{matrix} mg = F_1 \sin \alpha \\ F_x = F_1 \cos \alpha & \end{matrix}\right. $$ where $P$ is the painter's pressure force on the chair.

And for the upper ball $$ T = mg + 2F_1 \sin \alpha $$ $$ T = 3mg $$ Accordingly, when the thread burns out, the upper ball will be acted upon downwards by a force of $T=3mg$. From Newton's second law, we find its initial acceleration as $$ a = \frac{T}{m} = 3g $$ The lower balls will be acted upon in the horizontal direction by the force $F_x$, which will be compensated by the force $F_1 \cos \alpha$, and the force of gravity $mg$ — $F_1 \sin \alpha$

Thus, the lower balls will be in zero gravity $$ a=0 $$ NO: Something similar happens when a Slinky falls

Falling Slinky

I recommend an interesting problem about Slinky IPhO 2019 "Springs and Slinky"


The acceleration of the upper ball is $3g$, and the acceleration of the lower balls is zero.