Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$2.3.41.$ A part of the mass $m$ is detached from the load hanging on the spring of stiffness $k$. To what height will the remaining part of the cargo then rise?

For problem $2.3.41$


Since there is no interaction with external factors other than breakaway, all the work goes into changing the length of the spring. $E_k=0$!

Small change in the pontential energy of gravity $$ dA = mg \, dx $$ Small change in the pontential energy of the spring $$ dE = kx \, dx $$ Law of conservation of energy $$ dA = dE $$ $$ mg \, dx = kx \, dx $$ $$ mg \int dx = k \int x \, dx $$ From where $$ mg \, x = \frac{kx^2}{2} \Rightarrow \boxed{x = \frac{2mg}{k}} $$


$$x = \frac{2mg}{k}$$

Almaskhan Arsen