Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$2.4.1.$ Balls of mass $m$, each connected by a thread, move in a circle with a constant velocity $v$. The kinetic energy of each ball, equal to $\frac{mv^2}{2}$, does not change. If we switch to a reference frame in which the center of the thread moves in a straight line in the plane of rotation at a speed $,$ the energy of each of the balls changes from zero to $4 \frac{mv^2}{2}$. What causes this energy change? Does the total kinetic energy change in the specified reference frame?


Relative velocity in an inertial frame of reference

In the initial, stationary frame of reference, the energy of the system is $$E_{k1} = 2\frac{mv^2}{2}$$ Velocity of the system $$v_s = \frac{mv+mv}{2m} = v$$ In the inertial frame of reference of the system moving with velocity $\vec{v}$ $$E_{k2} = 0 +\frac{m(2v)^2}{2}=4 \frac{mv^2}{2}$$ To go to the inertial frame of reference, it is necessary to give the system of total mass $2m$ a velocity $v$ $$\Delta E_k = \frac{2mv^2}{2}$$ Thus, the law of conservation of energy is fulfilled and there is no change in total kinetic energy in the reference frame $$\boxed{E_{k2} = E_{k1} + \Delta E_k}$$


In a moving frame of reference, the tension force does work. No.

Almaskhan Arsen