Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023


$2.4.20^*.$ A dog of mass m is tied with a leash of length $L$ to a sledge of mass $M > m$. At the initial moment, the dog is next to the sled. What is the greatest distance a dog can move the sledge in one jerk, if the coefficients of friction of the dog's paws and the sled runners on the horizontal surface are the same?

For problem $2.4.20^*$


The dog pulls the sled, performing work equal to \[ A = \int_0^L F \, ds \] Where: \[ F = \mu mg \] So we get: \[ A = \mu mg L \] According to the work-energy theorem, we know that: \[ A = \Delta K = \frac{mv^2}{2} \] After the dog has run a distance $L$, the leash tethered to the sled will stretch. This scenario can be analyzed as an inelastic collision. \[ mv = (M + m)u \] In this scenario, the work done against the frictional force represents the energy lost by the system, which results in the deceleration of the sled-dog system. This loss of kinetic energy can be quantified using the work-energy principle: \[ \frac{(M + m) u^2}{2} = \mu (M - m) g x \] From there we can derive: \[ x = \frac{(M + m) u^2}{2 \mu g (M - m)} \] We already know, that: \[ u = \frac{m}{M + m}v \] Finally: \[ \boxed{x = \frac{m^2}{M^2 - m^2}L} \]


$$x = \frac{m^2}{M^2 - m^2}L$$
