Solutions of Savchenko Problems in Physics

Aliaksandr Melnichenka
October 2023

Решения на русском

Problem statements

Beta version of Savchenko Solutions Stefan Nicov, Aliaksandr Melnichenka et al.

The collection of problems in physics edited by O.Y. Savchenko is one of the most popular resources for preparation for physics olympiads in post-soviet countries. For more than 30 years since its first edition, not a single complete guide to solving problems from it has been created.
On this website, you can observe a non-profit startup creating the first wizard of this collection with the design of solutions of different authors. In total, over 700 solutions have been published, out of 2,023 problems. In 2023, the project was launched, which is actively developing in Russian and English. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to email

  1. Kinematics
  2. Dynamics
  3. Oscillations and Waves
  4. Fluid Mechanics
  5. Molecular Physics
  6. Electrostatics
  7. Particles in an electric field
  8. Electric current
  9. Constant magnetic field
  10. Particles in complex fields
  11. Electromagnetic induction
  12. Electromagnetic waves
  13. Optics. Quantum physics
  14. Special theory of relativity

Chapter 1. Kinematics

§ 1.1. Constant-speed motion

§ 1.2. Variable-speed motion

§ 1.3. Motion in gravity field. Curvilinear motion

§ 1.4. Galileo's transformations

§ 1.5. Motion with constraints

Chapter 2. Dynamics

§ 2.1. Newton's laws

§ 2.2. Momentum. Center of mass

§ 2.3. Kinetic energy. Work. Potential energy

§ 2.4. Energy of a system. Energy transfer. Power

§ 2.5. Collisions

§ 2.6. Gravitational force. Kepler's laws

§ 2.7. Rotation of a solid body

§ 2.8. Statics

Chapter 3. Oscillations and Waves

§ 3.3. Harmonic motion

Chapter 4. Fluid Mechanics

§ 4.1. Fluid Pressure

§ 4.2. Swimming. Archimedes' law

Chapter 5. Molecular Physics

§ 5.2. Distribution of gas molecules by velocity

§ 5.5. Equation of state of an ideal gas

§ 5.6. First Law of Thermodynamics. Heat capacity

§ 5.9. Second Law of Thermodynamics

Chapter 6. Electrostatics

§ 6.5. Electrical pressure. The energy of an electric field

Chapter 7. Motion of charged particles in an electric field

§ 7.1. Movement in a constant electric field

Chapter 8. Electric current

§ 8.3. Electric circuits

Chapter 10. Motion of charged particles in complex fields

§ 10.2. Drift motion of particles

Chapter 13. Geometrical optics. Photometry. Quantum nature of light

§ 13.2. Refraction of light. The lens formula